Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What I Wore- Golden Rays

Turned a dress that I wore for a ball this past December into a skirt. Paired with a gray tank and oversize sweater, it felt just casual enough for the weekend. I still need to hem the skirt, as it is far too long for wearing flats or sandals.

Dress (Worn as a skirt) Peacocks Uk. Tank top- Forever21. Sweater- Torrid. Necklace- Charming Charlies. Clutch- thrifted.

Long Weekend

Hope everyone had a lovely day off for Memorial Day, and took a moment to think about the soldiers we've lost. While I didn't actually have a long weekend -I worked Saturday- I did have an amazingly productive couple of days. Purged my room of a lot of clothes and misc. items for Goodwill, organized my books, and did a few crafts. Plus I got to enjoy amazing hand grilled steaks and cheesecake at my siblings house! Overall, a killer good weekend. 

Saturday I turned this:

 Into this:
With a few quick coats of green meadow spray paint. Matches my bedspread better and I love the color!

Also made time to make a mini chalkboard using chalkboard paint, cardboard, and an old frame:

Did a little organizing of my letters and my cosmetics:

And enjoyed a delicious cheesecake and a kickin' vodka lemonade.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

What I Wore- Retrospect Part 2

Palace of Holyrood. Tights- Target. Dress- Torrid. Shirt- Thrifted. Scarf- Thrifted.

Posing in a Scottish garden. Tights- Walmart. Shoes- tiny shop in St Andrews, Scotland. Dress- Torrid. Jacket- Evans. Shirt- Thrifted. Brooch- handmade.

Dress- Torrid. Shirt- Target. Gloves- vintage. Shoes- St Andrews shop? tights- walmart.

Halloween outfit. Dress- Primark. Cardigan- Ross. Necklace- Primark. Headband- Peacocks.

Quick self portrait at Kensington Palace.  Dress- Torrid. Tshirt- Walmart. Gloves- Vintage. Scarf- thrifted. Bag- Target. Earrings- Forever21.

Lewes Castle, part 2. Jeans- Torrid. Zip up- Ross.

Brighton waterfront. Jeans- Torrid. Jacket- Ross.

Lewes, part 3 (technically my first visit). Dress- Forever21 Plus. Nylons- Target. Jacket- Torrid. Shoes- scottish shop.

What I Wore- Retrospect part 1

More for my own benefit, I'm going to post some of the outfits I wore as a study abroad student in the UK last fall. I only brought one suitcase and tried to utilize my clothes as much as possible. Still, I developed a sort of uniform- dress, long sleeve tee, tights, boots or flats, and my bright coat. Hopefully the next time I go I can experiment a bit more with my fashion!

Posing before the Christmas Ball. Dress- Peacocks UK. Bracelet- Peacocks. Earrings- Primark

Smelling the roses at the top of Lewes Castle.  Dress-Target Plus. Shirt- Old Navy. Tights- Walmart. Gloves- vintage. Purse- Target.

Going on a walk in Scotland. Jacket- Ross. Gloves- Target. Leggings & Boots- Torrid. Dress- Old Navy.

Posing for a photo at Alnwick Castle.  Jacket- Evans. Dress- Torrid. Tights- Walmart. Shirt- Thrifted.

Enjoying the sea at at Bamburgh Castle. Jacket- Evans. Dress- Torrid. Shirt- Thrifted.

What I Wore- Lace and Stripes

I know. Stripes again? I normally hate maxi skirts, but this was handmade (by me) and is just too comfy to not wear. 

Lace shirt- Forever21 Plus. Cami (underneath)- Ross. Skirt- handmade. Necklace- Forever21. Bracelets- handmade.

Friday, May 25, 2012

DIY- Pottery Barn Knock-Off Mirror

Have you been on Dollar Store Crafts? A lot of the crafts are aimed at kids, but there are a fair number of decor ones that have my fingers itching. With three dollar stores within a 5 mile radius of my house, I am well kitted out to make some thrifty crafts! I followed this tutorial to create a Pottery Barn knock off mirror. It's currently displayed on my bookcase, so it's too high to actually see myself in it, but I love how my lights reflect off of it. The only change I made to the tutorial was to paint the frames- wanted some bright color. I lined the edges of the frame with painters tape so the paint wouldn't smear on the mirror. Say that 10 times fast!

(Sorry for the slightly crap quality of picture)

What I Wore- Clashing Colors

Say a little prayer for the dearly departed soul of my favorite red jeans (sob). This was definitely the last day I can wear them confidently in public. The crotch/thigh rips are getting a little frequent on the worn out material. The shirt is actually a dress that I am undecided on, thus the weird length. Might cut into a blouse, might make it a skirt... can't decide.

Shirt/Dress- Forever21 Plus.  Jeans- Torrid.  Bracelet and Necklace- Charming Charlies  Shoes- Ross.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What I Wore- flowers and stripes

Tried out my new flower dress for work on Saturday. I'm not entirely pleased with it- it's Target Plus, or Womens, or whatever they're calling it now. The flutter sleeves are a bit strange and I might cut them off, and it's a very floaty material, which means I need to wear leggings underneath for work because the winds have been crazy downtown lately. Overall, it needs some work before it's a regular rotation dress.

Loving the colorful stripes on this dress! It's Torrid from a few months ago.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Robots, Stripes, and Mail, oh my!

I love sending (and receiving) actual, honest to goodness letters and cards in the mail. As much as I love the internet, and sites like facebook and skype make it very easy to keep in touch with my friends around the world, nothing beats the warm fuzzies I feel from getting mail. This is my bi-monthly send off to various friends and family in the U.S. and Europe. Send and ye shall receive! 

New favorite shirt- pink and gray diagonal shirt. I'm finally getting shirts for my capris/bermudas after wearing exclusively dresses and tights for so long. 

Robot friends! My new little family. I'll have to think of names. For now, they're chilling on my sewing machine.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mothers Day

Mother's Day last year:

Mother's Day this year:

Can you tell I like decorating my patio? My family added three new moms for Mothers Day this year (two sisters and a sister-in-law had babies!) so it was extra special.

What I'm Reading

I've spent this past week reading Michael Crichton novels. Yeah, I'm a little late to the party, but I've only recently discovered that I enjoy his writing. It started with Jurassic Park on Monday, progressed to Next on Tuesday, Andromeda Strain on Wednesday, Sphere on Thursday, and Prey today. Rather than do a review, I thought I'd offer some thoughts about his writing in general and the various books.

Jurassic Park: I've seen the movie a gazillion times. That's totally not an exaggeration. We didn't watch a lot of movies growing up, and when we did, they certainly weren't Disney. I can't remember how old I was the first time I saw Jurassic Park, but I do remember my mom chastising my dad and saying that we would be too scared of the dinosaurs. Not I. I LOVE Jurassic Park. It is up there in my top five. I love Jeff Goldblum, I love the T-Rex, I love "clever girl", I love quoting lines from it, I love noticing that Goldblum says the same line in JP as he does in Independence Day. That being said, it was with a little trepidation that I delved into the book. I am a firm believer in the book being better than the movie- always. I've never seen one to contradict that fact in my mind. However.... I loved the movie so much more. The book is chock full of details, and extra characters, and all of the thought processes that you can't possibly translate to the screen, but it lacks the fundamental thrill of the film. Would it be different if I'd read it before seeing it? Probably. But I couldn't help but see Malcolm AS Goldblum in my head, and the thrill just didn't compare. Jurassic Park is visceral. It is visual, and agressive, and LOUD, and for that, I need the film.

The rest of the books seem like standard Crichton fare. They're very fast paced, with a lot of technical detail. The guy definitely did his due diligence and researched the shit out of his topics. However, that leads to some problems- mainly the feeling that the idea is dated. You know what a timeless book is? It's one where you can still apply the same themes and tropes to a modern world and not feel it lacking. You can't do that with Crichton's work. It's hard to feel impressed when he's describing some technology that was cutting edge in 1980 but feels ancient today, when we have mini computers in our phones. It's a bit of a -yawn. So what?- type of moment. If he focused on character development more, it wouldn't be so much of an issue, or a glaring blemish in reading his works with a 2012 attitude. He relies on stock characters to fill out the spaces in between pages and pages of technical explanations. Crichton suffers (suffered?) from the same problem as Dan Brown. Both have so much knowledge, but don't seem to have much of an editor to cut down on all of the information. It's interesting to a point, and then it becomes too much for a simple novel.

The standouts for me were the Andromeda Strain and Next. The Andromeda Strain still felt very relavent today, with the threat of a new and possible alien virus being released on an unsuspecting public. If you watch the movie, skip the recent miniseries and go for the 1970's film instead. Much better and more faithful to the novel. Next was about the future of genetics, and the possibility of splicing the human genome with other animals- in this case a chimp. It was fast paced, very entertaining, and I appreciated the difference in characters. I do this every time- when I find an author I like, I tend to read a ton of their work in a row, and you obviously find common themes, characters, and motives. The familiar characters of various scientists, with the token woman thrown in, was starting to wear thin. Maybe I need to spread them out.

Have any of you read Michael Crichton's work? What was your favorite?

*if anyone is wondering, yes, I did actually read all of these in one week. I read very fast and also have a wicked long commute to work, so I have both the time and the ability :)

These are a few of my favorite things... (this week)

Crazy winds, weird colored clouds, rain, and the flowers in my backyard.
A new shirt with vintage flowers

Poster from my sister for a graduation present! I love me some Sheldon.

Getting magazine subscriptions again (for free)- InStyle, Entertainment Weekly, Martha Stewart, Outside, Real Simple, Budget Travel, and Vogue

Pattern of my new light comforter from Ikea. Have you  noticed I like flowers?

Pool time with some family.

Slide Rock State Park

As part of the day sojourn to Sedona, we ventured to Slide Rock State Park. I don't know how I haven't been there before! The creek bottom of the river is slick with moss and algae, making it a natural slip n slide. I brought my suit but didn't feel like braving the line to change into it- mistake. When I saw my sister careening down the river on her belly, I was insanely jealous. Still, it was nice to cool down by wading in the water, and we managed to transport two babies and a stroller down a flight of stone stairs, along an unsteady rock wall, across a bridge, and over a bundle of small boulders. Success!